
The Rector's Council of the University of Thessaly approved the Protocol for the Management of a Possibly Suspected or Confirmed Case COVID-19 and appointed the Case Management Officers, in accordance with Joint Ministerial Decision No. 115744 / Ζ1 / 4.9.2020 and the instructions of the National Committee for the Protection of Public Health against coronavirus COVID-19.

In the following file you will find the Possibly Suspected or Confirmed Case Management Protocol COVID-19 and the Case Management Officers.

Management of Potentially Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 Case


Υγειονομικό Πρωτόκολλο για την επανέναρξη της διά ζώσης εκπαίδευσης στο Π.Θ.


Case Management Officers for the Faculty of Veterinary Science:

Vasileios Papatsiros, Associate Professor
email: vpapatsiros
tel: 2441066012

Ioannis Pappas, Associate Professor
tel: 2441066079