The Faculty
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Thessaly has been founded in 1993.
The Faculty awards the Degree of Veterinary Medicine, the Postgraduate Degree of Master of Science and the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, as well as various postgraduate training degrees.
The Degree of Veterinary Medicine awarded by the Faculty allows licencing and practice of graduate veterinarians in all countries of the European Union.
Thusfar, 595 veterinarians have graduated from the Faculty and moreover 116 MSc and 55 PhD degrees have been awarded.
Teaching staff currently includes 32 academics and 18 part-time teaching staff. All academics hold a Ph.D. degree, whilst nine of them also hold an official European veterinary specialisation title. Currently, the Department includes 542 active registered students, 7 postgraduate students and 43 PhD students.
In May 2011, the Faculty has been successfully evaluated by the Hellenic Quality Assurance & Accreditation Agency. Further, the Faculty has been evaluated by the European System of Evaluation of the Veterinary Teaching in October 2017.
In October 2017, the first evaluation of the Faculty was carried out by the European Associaiton of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE)